Friday, September 13, 2013

Heart Attack-Keep tabs on your heart


Heart attack or acute myocardial infarction is one of the leading causes of death in general population

Heart attack occurs because of complete or near complete block of one of the blood vessels supplying the heart. This happens as the blood vessels in the heart are progressively blocked by deposition of fat inside its wall over time and formation of blood clot at this place suddenly.

Typically one in two men and one in three women at the age of 40 yrs have the risk of developing coronary heart disease. To make matters worse there is a growing trend of more young people affected by this dreaded disease. First and foremost is to know whether you are at risk. This can be found out by answering a few simple questions like what is your age, gender, smoking etc.

Following are risk factors for developing heart disease.

>       Smoking
>       Hypertension
>       Diabetes
>       Dyslipidemia (Raised bad cholesterol and reduced good cholesterol)
>       Abdominal obesity
>       Psycho social factors (stress, anxiety & depression)
>       Male sex
>       Family history of heart disease
>       Increasing age

To simply put, the more of the above points you say yes, the more likely you can develop heart disease.

Fortunately apart from a few things like age, gender and family history, all other risk factors can be modified effectively. So one can reduce the risk of developing heart disease by 90 per cent.

Below is the check list you have to do.

1. Stop smoking. Smoking is a definite NO as for your heart is concerned.
2. Exercise. Do brisk walking for 30-60 minutes, 4-6 times a week
3. Weight loss. If you are overweight, take steps to lose weight by diet control and regular exercise. Importantly lose weight judiciously. Don’t starve.
4. Healthy diet
5. Hypertension control. If you are hypertensive, it should be controlled adequately. Restrict salt in your diet.
6. Diabetes - If you are diabetic, strict control of blood sugar is essential. If you are non-diabetic and has risk factors to develop diabetes or over the age of 45 years check your fasting blood sugar.
7. Check your blood cholesterol. Consult your doctor if it is abnormal.
8. Avoid stress. Socialise. Be cheerful.
9. If you are at risk of developing heart disease, go for a regular check up with your doctor.

source Dr Rajan Maruthanayagam
Interventionional Cardioligist 

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